reCAPTCHAv3 Explored

I am breaking my own rule temporarily and this is not a static site for the moment. For a proof of value, I am demoing some of the insights you can gain simply by using reCAPTCHAv3.

Suppose I have a form that makes an async CORS request requiring some level of trust. In this example I am invoking an AWS Lambda endpoint that does not trust the users clicking this button. Perhaps they are bots, perhaps not, but with reCAPTCHAv3 all I need to do is load the Google scripts with my site key.

Load the JavaScript.

 <script src=""></script>

Add some callbacks.

  function  privRequest(token) {
       { token: token }, 
       (res) => 
           <h4>Site inspection result (seen server-side)</h4>

Add some attributes to the button element.

  class="g-recaptcha button" 

The Google docs are pretty straightforward on how to generate the client and server (secret) key pairs.

Once you’ve clicked the button above, you’ll see some interesting stuff from both a client and server perspective. For this demo, I’m simply returning the value of the server-side introspection from my super sensitive endopint that doesn’t want bots.

So what are we achieving here? Firstly , we are automatically geneating a CSRF token to prevent replays. A single click is a single action is a single token.

My Lambda is very simple.

const got = require('got')

exports.handler = async(event, context) => {;
    const captchaSecret = [redacted];
    const captchaResponse = event.queryStringParameters.token;
    const captchaIp = event.requestContext.identity.sourceIp;
    const captchaUrl = '';

    const params = {
        secret: captchaSecret,
        response: captchaResponse,
        remoteip: captchaIp

    const { body } = await, {
        searchParams: params

    const response = {
        statusCode: 200,
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': ''
        body: JSON.stringify({ body }),
    return response;


You can see that all it really does is perform the introspection of the client-side token calling Google’s siteverify endpoint. Google is automatically assigning my unique client token a trust value in a range of (0.0 - 0.9).

Now suppose that I want to action upon such data. My Lambda function could be modified to, for example, alert somebody or return a 403 response (forbidden) if the trust score falls below 0.5.